And so we watch and so we learn/With eyes wide for our dreams to yearn

Something New

Breathe in, breath out my love
Feel your heart beat, waiting
Still your soul as you prepare to leap
The world is out here, anticipating

Life used to rush by around
Swirling wild, cascading, raging
And I’d chase the empty ache inside
A storm in a child, horizon chasing

For it is brighter, more beautiful and painful to perceive
Reams of possibility we can grab like kite strings
Run so fast I am falling, flying
How could I live otherwise, without this rush?
The thrill of new smells, sights, sunrises, heartache
That stumble one after another after another after another until- break!

I didn’t know how untethered my heart had become
A compass madly spinning, unable to find my north
A vessel buffeted by ocean currents and solar winds
What rolling stone needs an anchor?
Give me stars


The winds abated just enough, a moment
Settling, to feel gentle sunlight on my skin
Feet finding solid ground at last
Ears ringing, unused to silence
A moment, a minute, to wonder if I could…
Soil rich with nitrogen and possibilities

It’s slower, harder, rolled sleeves and focus given
Scheduling time for work instead of impulse
Now we lay foundations, till the earth
Making progress, planning paths
Roots daring to find their place
Sharing in symbiosis with the trees
Of others around me
As we dare grow in tandem
In the ecosystem of this community
Reaching together towards the sun

Breathe in, breathe out my love
You can be the eye in the calm of your heart in the storm
Let each heartbeat nurture the seeds of your soul
And hands tender hold you warm.

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