And so we watch and so we learn/With eyes wide for our dreams to yearn


There is something out there, waiting
There is something, unseen, but near
We can’t know when, or around which bend
But always, always know this my dear

There will be another sunrise
That’ll take your breath away
Or an unexpected kindness
That surprises & makes your day

In far-off cities and distant seas
Something sweet and joyful awaits
That sings a melody of hopefulness
You must trust in these fates

For all the world is bleak and cold
For all the clouds and rain
There’ll be something beautiful, someday
That’ll warm your heart again

An old piece from mid 2019, probably. Amazing isn’t it, the way you can forget all context for a piece, but it still resonates? I’m hoping these old pieces will help inspire me to maybe write something new again soon, maybe evolve my poetry style into something less Emily Dickinson adjacent!

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